New York Scene vol.2

- NY Friends Exhibition -

Venue Gallery Shoshinkan (Nagano)
Date October 1 - October 5,2021
Hours 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Gallery Talk Oct.2 2PM - Guest Yoshie Uchida
Address 1220 Matashiro, Matsushiro-machi,
Nagano-shi, Nagano, 381-1231 Japan
Tel 080-3461-1026

This is the exhibition of my friend artists I met in New York.

Please enjoy my jewelry such as Inspire series and more with these friends works.

– Artists –

  • Yoshie Uchida (Prints)
  • Toshie Otsuka (Ceramic)
  • Tomomi Ono  (Lithograph) NY
  • Akemi Takeda (Mixed Media) NY
  • Ayako Bando (Acrylic on Collage ) NY
  • Miho Hiranouchi (Water Color, Etching) NY
  • Kiyomi Yamagishi (Art Jewelry)

Upcoming Show

Small Artwork Show vol. 4 In New York

11.6- 11.21 2021 Sat & Sun 1-6pm

Figureworks 168 N. 6th St. Brooklyn NY 11211